Tuesday, July 18, 2006


There’s an article in today’s Guardian (UK) where it reports a study that shows that “The research found that 40% of Muslims blamed anti-Islamic feelings on the media, while 74% of non-Muslims blamed Islamophobia on the 9/11 bombings.”

Gosh, isn’t that interesting? I thought that distrust and dislike of Islam stemmed from their desire to – oh, I don’t know – kill everyone who IS NOT a Muslim!

If the mainstream media reported EVERYTHING horrific done by Muslims to non-Muslims (like bombing school buses, beheading innocent civilians, flying planes into office buildings), the State of Israel would not be having to fight OUR fight for us alone – trying to eradicate Hezbollah and Hamas lunatic murdering scum – half the population of this country would be volunteering to help with the project.

What I don’t get is how on earth the liberals and the “peace at any price” wusses in this country can justify their attitude. Have they honestly never really read and understood history? It didn’t work for Neville Chamberlain's government when he tried to proclaim “Peace in our time!” after Chamberlain’s attempts to appease Adolf Hitler. Kissing the butt of a bully NEVER works. The bully is just going to escalate until you smack him down firmly and unmistakably.

And to you confused Muslims in Britain – here’s the deal – as long as your co-religionist go around the world threatening the lives and security of non-Muslims, we aren’t going to think too highly of you and you should NOT wonder why!

Religion of peace my Aunt Fanny!

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