Thursday, July 06, 2006


I am now convinced that Pinch Sulzberger, Bill Keller and their colleagues at the New York Times will only be satisfied when the newspaper goes bankrupt and ceases to publish or when they have been arrested, tried and convicted of treason. That is the only explanation I can come up with as to what is driving the management of this once-great newspaper to proceed along their current course of dangerously poor judgment.

Over the years, the New York Times has displayed an increasingly left-wing bent, while also melding fact reporting and opinion pieces on an almost daily basis, on every page of the paper. And there have been times when they have published “top secret” governmental materials which any reasonably sane and patriotic American knows should not have been done. When they published the story about the top secret SWIFT program, however, I believe the newspaper moved from really risky business into the area of downright treason, while at the same time endangering the lives of each and every American citizen – but PRIMARILY those on the East and West Coasts of this country (the terrorists’ prime targets). What could they possibly be thinking?

And now they have gone one step further in their recklessness by publishing the locations of the homes of the Vice President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense, among others. Is it their intention to generate a terrorist attack upon these public officials? Do they wish to point a deranged bunch of killers at the Secretary of Defense? Or are the editors of the NYT so steeped in arrogance that they feel that anything THEY wish to print is fit to print?

When are the people of this country going to rise up and let these useful idiots know that their behavior is no longer to be tolerated? The sooner the better would work for me!

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