Friday, July 28, 2006


The Democrats are vowing to obstruct again, and defeat John Bolton’s appointment to the UN. Why? Because the other member nations in the U.N. don't like him. Isn't that just too freaking bad! REALITY CHECK for the other member nations of the U.N. Ambassador Bolton represents the interests of the United States of America. He isn't there to please you, placate you or pretend that you are anything other than third-world, self-important scoundrels. Note to the Democrats: This is the United States of America. If you want the people of this country to support YOU, then you'd better support our nation a whole lot better than you are doing now. CONFIRM JOHN BOLTON FOR AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS. Plain speaking on the part of our U.N. Ambassador is a welcome change from the mealy-mouthed nonsense that generally emanates from our so-called representatives to that despicable and unnecessary body of self-important buffoons! Until we can evict those worthless cretins and their worthless organization from our shores and remove our great nation from the ranks of mediocrity, let John Bolton continue to tell it like it is! LIKE THE U.N., DEMOCRATS HAVE BECOME ALMOST ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT.

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