Monday, February 09, 2009


In addition to Sarah Fyock and Andi, please offer your prayers tomorrow morning for my dear friend Joyce's husband Mark who will be undergoing his second neurosurgery due to the brain tumor that cannot be entirely removed. What we're wanting at this point is quality of life, as well as extension of life. Unlike Andi, Mark WANTS to live and my deepest wish is that what he wants, he gets. He's a wonderful man and his family still needs him.

As to Andi, she is in a medically induced coma, has refused any surgery that apparently could restore her to fairly good health, has insisted that the breathing tube be removed (she briefly regained consciousness on Saturday) and will be on "comfort care" until the inevitable comes to pass. While I recognize that the woman I loved so dearly effectively died on the day that David died, still I mourn deeply the woman who was my friend for nearly 40 years and the horrendous waste both she and her son represent to the world. Both of them were kind-hearted, deeply funny, bright and productive in many, many ways. He has been missed since his death, as has she.

Sarah Fyock is awaiting a heart transplant. She is a toddler and her parents are moving heaven and earth to restore her to good health. I pray that somehow, some way this will come to pass.

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